Human Resources

Recruitment firm in Malaysia

Why Partnering with a Manpower Agency is Key to Successful Foreign Worker Recruitment in Malaysia imageWhy Partnering with a Manpower Agency is Key to Successful Foreign Worker Recruitment in Malaysia image
Businesses in Malaysia are increasingly looking towards foreign manpower to provide the skill gaps that will continue to drive development in today's globalized world. However, foreign hiring can be very intricate and often covers a range of issues, from legal compliance to finding the right talent. Working with a manpower agency can immensely help a Malaysian company achieve smooth processing and positive recruitment outcomes. Here's why seeking a manpower agency's services is vital to your foreign worker recruitment strategy.

Understanding the Challenges of Foreign Worker Recruitment
Recruiting foreign workers is laborious work, with a lot of preparations involved. Most Malaysian companies will then struggle with a complicated system of laws related to immigration, cultural and linguistic issues, as well as administrative matters related to the application of visas and permits for work. This will cause some problems, such as delay, increased cost, and inefficiency in finding the right candidates.

A manpower agency specializes in overcoming these challenges. They help businesses to avoid common pitfalls while making the process of hiring foreign workers easier and more effective, having knowledge concerning finer details of recruitment.

The Expertise of Manpower Agencies in Navigating Legal and Compliance Issues
The most significant obstacle to employing foreign employees is the stringency of Malaysian immigration and labour laws. It includes securing work permits and meeting with confirmation that contracts of employment are made in compliance with law, which easily makes the regulatory environment overwhelming.

Manpower agencies, being well aware of this knowledge, keep themselves updated on the changes made in the regulations. They take care of all the paperwork, keep themselves updated with local laws, and deal with the application process for obtaining visas. This expertise is what aids in reducing the legal risks and avoiding costly mistakes that may result from the lack of knowledge of the rules.

Access to a Wider Talent Pool
Identifying the suitable talent can be an uphill task, especially when it deals with specialized skills and has poor availability locally. Manpower agencies have access to all-inclusive networks and databases of qualified candidates from different countries.

These agencies use their vast international network to find talent that fits your specific needs. Whether it's highly skilled professionals in tech positions or seasonal workers in heavier activities, manpower agencies can link you effectively with the right candidates. Access to a wider pool of talent increases your chances of finding the ideal candidate for your organization.

Streamlined Recruitment Process
Thus, recruitment process steps include job posting, candidate screening, interviews, and negotiation stages. All these aspects individually, if handled internally, are quite time- and resource-consuming.
Manpower agencies run the whole recruitment process, from looking up candidates to final placement. They take up the responsibility for the sourcing and screening of candidates and preliminary interviews themselves so that only the most fitting candidates will be presented before you. This spares your HR team for other, more important parts of your business while the agency takes charge of the high labour requirement work for you.

Customized Recruitment Solutions
The individual business has its own unique needs of international workers: some businesses may urgently need to hire hundreds of workers, while some businesses require special skills for a specific project.
Manpower agencies provide customized recruitments to suit such varied needs. They interact with you to understand your needs and, in return, present very suitable solutions that are in line with your business needs. Whether temporary employees, permanent staff, or talent with special skills—their mode of approach is subject to change in order that it accommodates your specific circumstances.

Post-Recruitment Support and Services
Recruitment would not stop when the workers were hired but in smooth transitioning and a good working atmosphere that would retain the foreign workers.

It is also ensured that these manpower agencies provide after-care support services even after the actual recruitment takes place. Manpower agencies also provide for pre-joining and post-joining orientation programs, cultural training, and assistance in relation to the settling process in the new job and country. As such, foreign workers will adapt very fast in attempting to reduce the chances of misunderstanding and conflict that come with increased retention rates.

Recruiting foreign workers in Malaysia can be done much more effectively if it is done through a manpower agency. Knowledge expertise with access to a larger talent pool, efficient procedures, and offers of solutions catering to the needs of businesses help them overcome conventional obstacles associated with recruiting foreign labour. Further, continuous support through agencies helps in integrating new employees seamlessly to lead them along the path of success under the pursued organization for the long run.

The manpower agencies offer much more to Malaysian companies seeking to rationalize their hiring strategy of foreign workers by offering them strategic advantages. While the professionals handle the intricacies involved in the recruitment of manpower, the company can focus its effort on business expansion and accomplish the goals with the right talent embedded within it.
We all knew that the economic factors are the most significant game changers in a country's and citizens' ability to carry out the daily things. What’s more, the manufacturing sectors are one of the most important economic contributors; continuous production can keeps the economy in check and helps to the sale of specific products and the fundamental necessities of people. It is undeniably true that the pandemic had an impact on production in recent years, resulting in economic stagnation.
Sadly, many workers had lost their employment. As a result, despite these challenges, manufacturers and labourers are still require adapt to live their ordinary lives. Subsequently, the need for both local and foreign worker agencies to provide employees therefore increasing in Malaysia. A manpower agency in Malaysia must consider several factors to guarantee that they find the best candidates for their clients.

1. Making Sure Employees Acquire the Necessary Knowledge And Skills

The skills that workers have are something that a manpower supply agency must keep an eye on. For instance, to contribute effectively to their job effectively the manufacturer needs a particular set of skills. Some jobs may involve the ability to lift big objects, which takes a lot of strength. For this kind of work scope, men are often scouted. Next for fixation of small electronic chips necessitates strong eyesight, and workers are usually required to undergo eye examinations. As clothing and basic products factories are favourable to hiring the vulnerable, including pregnant women, to work alongside them.

2. Willing to Work Long Hours

Factory production line are built to operate for lengthy periods of time. As a result, it is crucial that workers be able to cooperate with the operating hours and be willing to perform the entire shift continually. Therefore, the most crucial aspect in manufacturing line is to make sure and determine whether the hired candidate is prepared to work in long shifts without feeling uncomfortable.

3. Provide the Training for Worker Prior Duty

As previously said, workers must get a proper training for specific tasks or jobs, the training will improve knowledges and skills or have a general understanding of how the entire process works. Forklift drivers for example, the worker will find it difficult to operate the forklift especially if they do not have the skills and inexperienced. As a result of practical learning for new employees, they will be excellent in no time and there will never be any unfortunate mishaps or incidents at work, as a result, everything will be much more easier and things will get done more effectively and improved the quality of works.

Regardless of hiring the local or foreign workers, it is necessary that all recruiting agencies in Malaysia to stay updated to the latest market demands and have the ability to analyse the situation and adjust accordingly. The win-win situation for employers and employees is guarantee if the recruitment agency able to identify an individual's competence to guarantee they are the best candidates for their employers.

The Malaysian economy is highly in reliance on foreign workers, an in-depth analysis of the Malaysian economy places an identification that the Malaysian economy gradual improvement encompasses the development of the manufacturing industry. However, in several events, it is evident that there are workers in Malaysia who do not prefer working in the manufacturing sector, which leaves factories with no choice of hiring individuals that perhaps are much keen on working with manufacturers. For instance, the manufacturing industry performed recruitment with foreign workers from countries such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and more.

The workers from the mentioned countries have put in an immense amount of effort to uplift the Malaysian manufacturing sector. Therefore, as a responsible employers, Malaysian factories that hire foreign workers are bound to provide the best environment for their workers. A logical composition on the basic humanity of providing the best for people.

Considering the current Covid 19 situation the government of Malaysia had layout the best plans for workers in conjunction to avoid the massive spreading of the Covid 19 virus. The first thing that had been implemented was the Act 446. The Act 446 was constituted upon the massive alarming rate of Covid 19 cases among foreign workers. The authorities claimed to all agency in Malaysia for foreign workers must abide by the Act 446 in ensuring that all workers hostel complies. The Act 446 proclaims that all workers deserve a safe and comfortable living environment, and each unit has a quota on the number of occupants that are allowed to reside in it. Employers who fail to do so are to be penalized with a sum of a compound that has been set by the rightful authority.

Upon that, what is regarded as important is that a hostel facilitator shall ensure that the hostels are situated in the right location which encompasses all the needed facilities namely; hospitals, restaurants, grocery stores, banks and more. It is extremely vital to provide the best, especially considering that this is their first time in an unknown country and needed to adapt to the living culture of a certain community without being able to converse in the common Malaysian language. Therefore, it is important to assist them with the best.

Last but not least, having to ensure that the worker’s hostel is indeed equipped with all necessary and basic amenities. Manpower agency must ensure that the worker’s hostel consists of basic necessities. Basic needs, such as stove, wardrobe, bed, mattresses, pillows and more. Having to equip with all the above-mentioned factors enables a good environment.

The Malaysian economy has always been one of the biggest debates among Malaysians and people from around the world. Ever since a rise in the issue of the 1MDB many rumours and words surrounding the Malaysian politician and economy. The outcome of this scandal has developed a sense of scepticism surrounding the Malaysian economy. Despite the major loss, the country had faced due to the mess, the Malaysian government must ensure that the country economy still goes on to sustain the living of the citizens or Malaysians. Despite all odds, Malaysia has always been a country that many investors choose to venture their business into. Most of these investors are known to be from the manufacturing sector, simply because Malaysia is placed in a strategic location that is set to be right for manufacturing and trading of products to all the countries.

One factor that is commonly not mentioned in the development of the manufacturing industry is the support of a manpower agency. They have always been a backbone to manufacturers in producing their target output. Manpower is an extremely important factor that assists in producing the required output. Especially, during the Covid 19 outbreak, many factories have raised their concern on how they are not able to achieve their targeted production output due to the shortage of manpower. During this crisis, a Malaysian manpower agency is one of the most demanded services that was sought by factories.

Here are facts about a manpower agency in Malaysia;

Formation of network throughout the common sourced countries

A professional Malaysian manpower agency commonly expands its horizons in a broader perspective in the efforts of recruiting workers. As mentioned above, Malaysia is one of the preferred lands for investors to extend their business in, therefore their needs of workers are massive. These worker supply agencies are extremely versed in all the regulations and methods in recruiting workers be it locally or internationally. Having to recruit internationally they are required to form networks in countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Myanmar and more. As these are the countries that clients commonly seeks workers for.

Bounding by the recruitment regulations by the Malaysian authorities

In Malaysia, due to the excessive demand for workers, the Malaysian government have placed restrictions on how recruitment activities are to be conducted. For instance, in order to carry out recruitment, it is important to ensure that these agencies acquire the necessary documentation and licenses. The Malaysian government have established a license policy in which recruitment agencies will have to acquire License A, B and C. This policy was introduced to ensure that there is legitimacy in the recruitment due to the overpopulated establishment of workers agencies.

To be a part of the FMM association

These agencies would need to be a part of these associations to be able to keep up on the industries whereabouts. Being a part of this association gathers all Malaysian manpower agencies together to get them to understand and establish a good bond along with a fellow industrial partners.

Have you been looking for a suitable foreign job opportunity but haven't been able to find one? In this circumstance, you should contact a manpower recruitment agency that also offers multinational work opportunities. The most important reason to hire these experts is because of their methodical approach. Furthermore, the specialist consultants ensure that job requirements are properly matched with candidate profiles. Furthermore, it's important relying on specific approach and strategic planning, coupled with an effective mechanism performed by professionals in these agencies.

On the other hand, it would not be incorrect to state that professional manpower solutions based in Malaysia have contributed to the career progress of countless candidates, regardless of the industry in which they choose to pursue a career. Essentially, manpower consultancies in Malaysia use innovative strategies to find people via job search engines and various forms of networking. Alternatively, the professional individuals assigned to these firms use technologically advanced procedures to ensure that the applicants who have been contacted are qualified for the offered positions.

There are some of the important issues to be considered while outsourcing to these recruitment agencies:

Relevance of their systematic approach
With the constantly expanding recruitment system, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that picked foreign worker recruitment agency in Malaysia employs proper measures. In layman's terms, these recruitment methodologies should be updated and also have a effective in current world's situation (Covid-19). This evaluation phase will provide you with the greatest recruitment option in a timely manner. In truth, the consequence you will receive is certain if the business makes optimal use of the most recent form of recruitment.

Available solutions
The foreign manpower firm in Malaysia have classified the many kinds of services. As a business owner, people must select the particular solution that will be beneficial to their company. The candidates hired through recruitment outsourcing, for example, must be properly identified from the beginning in order to maximise cost effectiveness and productivity.

A brief examination of the agency's reliability
When the main goal is to acquire foreign workers, it is vital to invest in the correct service provider. As a result, before using the services of manpower agency in Malaysia for foreign recruiting, you should investigate their dependability and years of market experience. This will provide you with a brief but crucial insight into the consultants' and consultancy's reliability.

Apart from the above facts, there are several factors to consider before concluding your decision to outsource recruitment services. At the end of the day, the goal is to evaluate the recruitment agency in order to get the greatest results.

Expectations vs Reality of A Malaysian Manpower Agency Whilst Hiring General Workers image
The current situation of the pandemic exhibits multiple challenges in the Malaysian pandemic. Citizens are highly in doubt despite the resuming of all sectors there is still no indication of the minimize of the problems in terms of production or manufacturing. There is still a constant shortage in terms of products and items. People often raise this issue stating that the government, factories and organizations are not doing enough. However, something that is not noticeable is that these problems are at the root of factories issues. The root of the problem is the shortage of workers in the manufacturing industry to operate and run the production process namely the types of machinery in the factories.

Hence, the implication on the shortage of workers resulted in massive downgraded inclined economical status in Malaysia. Therefore, factories have however taken up several measures to make their production attainable. People often develop a misconception of the manufacturing industry without understanding the root problems.

These are the Expectations vs Reality Of A Malaysian Manpower Agency Whilst Hiring General Workers.

1. Benefits and Facilities for General Workers

As mentioned above factories and common people often develops a misconception of general workers are satisfied with what is provided to them, and they would not question the offerings from the organizations that they work for, however, the reality is that they do not settle for less just like any other employees or people. A general worker recruitment agency is the one to understand the needs and picks up the demands of these workers and highlights them to their clients (factories). Multiple demands and expectations from the workers are always fulfilled. For instance, the expectations for extra benefits and allowances. Despite them already receiving a fixed allowance, their request to OT for extra money based on their preferences is usually considered. They are also given extra allowances for good attendance.

2. Easy Hiring

A commonly developed ideology about hiring blue-collar workers is that it is easy which can be done in a short duration of time as it does not require candidates to submit their resumes, attend several interviews or pass through a round of tests. However, blue-collar workers can be hired as long as they are willing to take up a job working in the factory. Something that is not seen under the lights of the disparity of a Malaysian manpower agency challenges is that workers are common in the state of refusal into accepting the role of a factory operator due to various factors. Speaking of hiring there are two different variants in hiring workers. For instance, hiring a foreign worker requires a minimum of 6 months of processing as the documentation. On the other hand, a local worker does not require massive documentation procedures, however, there is a certain challenge in the procedure of hiring them. For instance, a professional and certified recruitment agency shall abide by the regulations of JTK Malaysia in conducting recruitment for workers.

3. Cheaper Cost of Hiring

Another expectation or misconception that arises whilst the recruitment process is that hiring blue collared workers are cheaper. However, something that is not highlighted enough about the hiring of the workers is that they are sometimes equally valued as white-collar workers. For instance, as mentioned in the point above that workers have certain requirements in terms of documentation and so on. The documentation preparations and tax fees for foreign workers weigh huge costs. In which why some of the foreign workers supply agency continuously try to support factories by advancing the certain amount of money for their workers on behalf, as the cost is expensive.

In conclusion, a probable economical recession could probably be indicated pertaining due to the shortage of workers. In this, we could conclude that everyone as a global citizen plays a vital role in the development and stabilization of the nations and global economy.